The Maldives and Beavers in France

gordon.ramel gordon.ramel at
Fri Jul 17 06:19:09 EDT 1998

Hi All,
      I would be very grateful for any information on research into the insects associated with beaver dams in Europe, particularly Southern France.

      I would also like to know all there is to know about the insect fauna of the Maldives, or at least where to go to get this info, a literature search on BIDS (usually pretty good) suggests there have been no published entomological records for the Maldives in the last 17.5 years.

       Thanking you all for your help with the Nicrophorus, and for this.

Yours Naturally
                          Gordon J. L. Ramel

        <G.J.L.Ramel at or Gordon.Ramel at>
        < Phone work = +44 (0)1837 82558 ext. 173>
        < Fax work = +44 (0)1837 82139>
        < c/of I.G.E.R. North Wyke, Devon, England.  EX20 2SB.> 
                  Children are the guardians of the future,  
     knowledge should neither be inflicted on, nor withheld from them.   

                 "felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas"  

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