Lymantria monacha?

Joseph G. Kunkel joe at
Sun Jul 19 16:06:40 EDT 1998

_Lymantria monacha_, The Nun Moth, is found on islands off the coast of
Maine as well as other locations I can not quote at the moment.  It has
larval hairs, I am told, that are very irritating and creates severe
rashes in people who encounter them.  It is an introduced species like
its relative _Lymantria dispar_, the gypsy moth.  Both species are not
particularly welcome in the Americas.  I am not sure whether the nun
moth is as big an economic problem as the gypsy moth but its allergic
significance it supposedly worse.

Jaakko B Kullberg wrote:
> Matti Jantunen <jantsa at> wrote:
> : If someone can tell me more news from Lymantria monacha's situation today in America, please
> : do so.
> : (I'am pretty sure that it is a only spiece which people have wanted to exterminate from America).

Joe Kunkel, Professor
Biology Department, University of Massachusetts at Amherst
joe at

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