Common UK butterflies

Michael Healy MJRHEALY at
Tue Jul 21 12:11:53 EDT 1998

This is in reply to the Finnish contributor (I aplolgise for not noting the
name) who asked about common butterflies.  In 2 hours or so walking on
field edges and roadsides near Royston and Hitchin in NE Hertfordshire, UK,
I saw the following -

Thymelicus sylvestris   Small Skipper
Ochlodes venata         Large Skipper
Pieris brassicae                Large White
Pieris rapae            Small White
Pieris napi             Green-veined White
Celastrina argiolus             Holly Blue
Aglais urticae          Small Tortoiseshell
Pyronia tythonus                Gatekeeper
Maniola jurtina         Meadow Brown
Coenonympha pamphilus   Small Heath

All very commonplace, but it was nice to see anything after the 'summer' we
have been having.

Michael Healy

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