Ivo Novak - A Field Guide in Colour to Butterflies and Moths

Donald Hobern dhobern at hursley.ibm.com
Fri Jul 24 06:19:47 EDT 1998

Other (UK/european) readers may already be familiar with this book.  I
found it in a clearance bookshop in Southampton the other day selling
at UKP 3.99.  It is a paperback of 352 pages published this year by
Blitz Editions (and according to the Natural History Book Service a 
reprint of a guide originally published by Hamlyn in the 1980s) and 
seems to represent incredible value for money.  As with any general 
guide it covers only a selection of European butterflies and moths, 
but certainly has the most comprehensive and well-illustrated selection
I have ever seen in a popular European field guide (about 150 butterfly 
species but over 800 moths including including over 250 micros at a 
rough count).  All are illustrated with good quality paintings.  The 
text gives little extra assistance in identification, concentrating on 
distribution, habitat and lifecycle.  The book has a very comprehensive 
introduction, including a key to families.

Clearly for UK lepidopterists it cannot rival Skinner for the macro
moths but it certainly represents a very cheap supplement e.g. to
Chinery's guides.  The NHBS is selling it for UKP 6.99 (and apparently
the series also includes volumes on Beetles and on Bees and Wasps!)
so even at full price it is a real bargain.



Donald Hobern : CB Development, MP 189, Hursley Park, Winchester,
E-MAIL        : dhobern at hursley.ibm.com
TELEPHONE     : +44 1962 815301

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