?Lit. fallowland+BF

Oliver Balmer balmero at ubaclu.unibas.ch
Sat Jul 25 07:23:55 EDT 1998

Looking for literature

I am presently doing my diploma thesis for a master's degree in biology
on the influence of the succession from cacerous pastures to early
forest stages on butterfly communities. I am having great difficulty in
finding literature on this topic. If anyone knows of literature -
specifically about effects of abandonment of pastures on butterflies or
also on other groups of insects or animals - I would be very greatful
for the information.

Moreover I don't exactly know how to best call the successional stages I
am working with. There are four:
1) Calcerous grasslands that are still being grazed (but extensivly) on
very nutrient poor and "shallow" ground, botanically speaking
2) the same but no more grazing for 2-3 years, abandonned, grasses are
taking over and make the ground layer very dense, no bushes yet (or
hardly any). In spring these look brownish from last years grass.
3) the same, about 10 years on. Bushes - mainly Prunus spinosa - are
covering everything loosely but evenly.
4) another maybe 10-20 years later. Trees have taken over (up to 4m of
hight), extremely dense.
I would be very happy if some native english speaker could help me with
the proper english names for my stages and also for the process
described. Would this just be called succession or something like
"fallowing" (like in German) or...

Thank your very much, your reply could help a lot since I am trying to
publish my quite interesting and unexpected findings.

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