Please Identify
Anne Kilmer
viceroy at
Tue Jul 28 16:11:35 EDT 1998
Big Fat Jesus wrote:
> The picture came through fine on my browser. Maybe there's a problem with your
> browser or ISP. It's a pity such hilarious comments were wasted on a problem
> that doesn't exist.
> On 28 Jul 1998 07:48:25 -0700, jadams at (DR. JAMES
> ADAMS) wrote:
> »Well, the garden hose was completely obliterated by the sea of
> »letters and numbers I received on my screen. I'd say, from the looks
> »of the "creature" that it is the infamously rude "Memory Wasting
> »Bug", that has the incredible ability to mimic a vast jumble of
> »letters and numbers so as to hide it's true identity from anyone
> »trying to figure out what it is.
> »
> » James
We agreed a while ago, and perhaps need to reiterate, that we would not
send fancy stuff to the list. Many people have limited computers, and
such files clog up the system, take up memory, and make us mad.
As it happens, although my system does pictures just fine, I too got
algebra in this file. I threw it away, of course.
People with a picture to show can either refer us to their web page, or
offer to send the picture to interested parties.
Anne Kilmer
South Florida
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