Please Identify

Rebecca Jolly Rebecca.Jolly at
Wed Jul 29 11:23:02 EDT 1998

     Dear all,
     I must have been one of the lucky few to get the encoded picture 
     ok - and I'm glad I did as it was lovely!  I was wondering if 
     sending things like pictures as an attachment would solve the 
     problem.  Those that can cope with them can then do so without 
     having to get to a web site.  Those that can't shouldn't then end 
     up with a jumbled mail, they just don't need to open the 
     attachment.  Mind you I don't know lots about browsers etc so I 
     may be wrong (wouldn't be the first time!).
     Best wishes
     Rebecca Jolly

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Subject: Re: Please Identify
Author:  mjemm at at INTERNET-MAIL
Date:    29/07/98 06:23

I'm very sorry to have caused all the fuss.  I have rarely ever posted 
to a newsgroup before.  Personally BFJ, I appreciated DR. JAMES ADAMS 
comments the least.  I expected more from an educator.
Shawn Jemmett

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