cerisyi puae available

WILLIAM OEHLKE - 420 oehlkew at montagueint.edu.pe.ca
Wed Jul 29 19:33:00 EDT 1998

I have a small number of S. cerisyi (20-30) larvae pupating now.  
Hyalophora cecropia and columbia are also spinning up.
cerisyi $2.50/pupa
cecropia $3.50/cocoon
columbia $5.00/cocon
plus $5.00 postage and handling. 
Will have lunas, cecropias, polphemus, io, cynthia, promethea, 
columbia in the fall as wwell as several different sphingidae.
Bill Oehlke
Box 476
Montague,P.E.I., Canada, C0A 1R0
Phone: 902-838-3455 H; 902-838-0860 W
Fax: 902-838-0866
email:  oehlkew at montagueint.edu.pe.ca
Website:  http://www3.pei.sympatico.ca/oehlkew

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