Michael Gochfeld gochfeld at
Mon Jun 1 19:29:21 EDT 1998

I am finding that a major benefit of the 4th of July Butterfly counts is 
our ability to document with precision the disappearance of buttfly 
habitats.  Maybe we should exploit this somehow, using the existence of 
butterfly biodiversity to identify areas that will fall to residential 
development or golf courses or ball fields.  At least in California it 
sounds like there is some reverse tendency.  Not so in New Jersey. 
Development is a one way street. 

The ultimate disregard for existing residents in favor of unknown future 
residents, is particularly galling.  People who have moved to a relatively 
rural area, didn't come here by accident.  I've had to learn about traffic 
theory to counter the incompetent (or worse) theorist who shows, time after 
time, year after year, that traffic is not a problem. 

Even the University was thinking of selling one of its "surplus" 
agricultural fields----a great butterfly habitat---to a developer. 

M. Gochfeld
Name: Michael Gochfeld
E-mail: Michael Gochfeld <gochfeld at>
Date: 06/01/98
Time: 18:29:22

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