
Mike Soukup mikayak at ix.netcom.com
Fri Jun 5 06:40:33 EDT 1998

Last night, while checking my lights, I caught my first ever Hepialid
(Sthenopsis argentomaculatus).  Now, everything  I've read says that
they are not attracted to light.  But, neither is  the occasional
butterfly, yellow jacket, or Bald-faced hornet (I REALLY hate those
guys!) that also shows up.  I think I was just "extremly lucky".  At any
rate, I live up a hill from a swamp....which does contain alder (larval
host).  First, has anyone else had them show up at lights?  And, second,
I am thinking of roaming the swamp at dusk tonite looking for "a
colony".   Anybody have any hints??  Or, do I just go out with me, my
net, a jar, and at least 2-3 gallons of DEET (lest I become the prey in
the hunt)?


Mike S.

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