Need help identifying black with white specks moth [photo]

Pierre Zagatti zagatti at
Mon Jun 8 03:49:18 EDT 1998

Roger C. KENDRICK wrote:
> Hi Ken,
> Going on the illustration in Holland's "The Moth Book" (Dover edition,
> 1968) you have seen the Polka-dot Wasp-moth _Syntomeida epilais
> Walker_ .  The scientific nomenclature may be out of date, but I'd
> guess an American specialist (or someone with a more uptodate book)
> could brief you on that.
> The larval hostplant is given as Nerium odorum.
> The adults would be likely to feed on nectar, but species in this
> family (Syntomidae) will also take mineral salts (especially males)
> and water to prevent dessication.
> ...
> Hope this helps,
> Roger.

There is a web page on Syntomeida epilais at:
with a (bad) photo of the larva.

One more time I've read the reply without the original post...

INRA Unite de Phytopharmacie et Mediateurs Chimiques
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Tel: (33) 1 30 83 31 18
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