Mourning Cloak

Chuck Vaughn aa6g at
Wed Jun 10 10:10:54 EDT 1998

> Sounds like a California Tortoishell (sorry, don't have my book with
> scientific name handy).  The larvae are very similar to Mourning Cloak and
> Ceanothus is a favorite host.  I have seen them defoliate acres of
> ceanothus in plague years up near Lake Tahoe in N. CA.
Thanks for the tip. I looked in my California butterflies book and 
saw that ceanothus was listed for the California Tortishell. The
description of the chrysalis sounded more Mourning Cloak but I the
written descriptions sometimes don't transfer well to reality.<g>

It shouldn't be too long before I know for sure.

Thanks, Chuck
<aa6g at>

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