V.cardui in Trondheim

Runar Krogen rkrogen at online.no
Sun Jun 21 14:00:32 EDT 1998

Vanessa (cynthia) cardui arrived Trondheim, Norway, today, Sunday 21. June.
This is a great event at this latitude, since the species does not occur
here every year - not at all.

After a long period with cold northerly winds, the wind turned southeast
today and the temperature reached 26 degrees C. Amazingly, one single day
was enough for V. cardui to arrive. One reason is perhaps that the wind is
rather strong, even though far from gale force.

Between 06.30 and 07.15 p.m. I saw 3 specimens: One rapidly flying towards
west. The second was a male having set up a territory on a hilltop. The
third was an intruder which was chased away by this territorial male, which
was rather worn - not a fresh specimen.

Runar Krogen, 
Trondheim, Norway
rkrogen at online.no

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