Short Winter
Anne Kilmer
viceroy at
Tue Mar 3 08:27:13 EST 1998
Bob Barber wrote:
> Butterflies were out in southern new Jersey into early January, including a
> very tardy Red Admiral, numerous Orange Sulphur, and the more expected
> Mourning Cloak and Question Mark. We have had no severe weather in the
> interim, with only a trace of snow.
> March of 1997 was also
> unusually warm and these species were flying by mid-month, but to have them
> in February is truly amazing.
> ================================================
> Bob Barber <bob at>
> Rutgers University - Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences
> Haskin Shellfish Research Laboratory -Histology/Pathology
> New Jersey USA
> Lat. 39 19.574N Long. 074 58.113W
Man are you tempting fate. Never tell the weather fairies that you don't expect
a blizzard. They just love surprises.Here I am in South Florida with a woolly
hat and scarf and sweater on (OK, I'm a wimp) and a fire in the fireplace.
Giant swallowtail and gulf fritillary showed up yesterday.
I am, however, mailing wool hats (handspun yarn) to three New Jersey children,
so I sort of expect a chilly spring. Maybe they can just pretend it's cold.
Certainly time to start planning your school gardens, if not actually planting
Many happy returns of the butterflies
Anne Kilmer
South Florida
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