first sighting

Ernest Williams ewilliam at
Mon Mar 30 09:05:08 EST 1998

Spring hit central New York this weekend.  With patches of snow on the
ground and the temperature at an astonishing 80 F, a mourning cloak -
_Nymphalis antiopa_ - was flying Saturday, March 28, in Clinton, Oneida
Co., New York.

This is almost always our first species, and it usually appears when the
temperature first reaches the 70's and the sun's out.  Recent first
appearance dates have been 15 Mar 1990, 6 Apr 1991, 19 Apr 1995, 15 Apr
1996, and 28 Mar 1998.

The weekend also brought lots of crocuses and the first Chionodoxa and
aconite, as well as the first Eastern Phoebes, Chipping Sparrows, and
spring peepers.  There's a taxonomic mix for you.

Ernest Williams

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