UK sightings

nickbowles at nickbowles at
Mon May 4 10:13:27 EDT 1998

I collect sighting details for the charity Butterfly Conservation.  We use the data to publish articles about the success of individual species and the effect of weather etc.

Confidentiality is assured and no 'sensitive' data will be published or disseminated.

So far the season has begun early and in March we had very early records of Orange Tip and Pearl Bordered Fritillary.

Red Admiral and Painted Lady immigrated in small numbers and in mid April they were joined by a few Clouded Yellow (+ Hum-bird Hawk and various micros)[unless they overwintered which is unlikely].

However, by April the UK weather was severly affected by the since near-continuous north wind and overcast skies.

Emergence in early May is slightly behind average and substantially behind that of the last few years.  Numbers of spring emergers are low and some adult hibernators seem to have perished in large numbers.  The exception is Holly Blue which is now relatively abundant (given the weather). 

If you can help us build a clear picture of butterfly fortunes; please mail me with details of species seen (inc. numbers if possible), dates and locations.  Unless the event is highly unusual OS ref. not required.


--Best wishes

Nick Bowles :  94 Miswell Lane, Tring, Herts. HP23 4EX

Sent Via Big Mouth E-Mail

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