Oligoneoptera problem

Cesar Ariza eariza at b-manga.cetcol.net.co
Sat May 2 17:20:15 EDT 1998

"Louise" <lvoynaud at istar.ca> escribe:
> Hi!
> I'm a student in biology and I have a problem with the position of mouth
> parts on Neuroptera's head: are they in front of the head or at the bottom
> like Orthoptera?  I don't have any specimens to observe nor books with the
> information I'm searching for.  I know that this order is not the same as
> Lepidoptera, but as it's in the same "super-order" (I think!),
> Oligoneoptera - which is part of the Polyneoptera - I thought that someone
> could give me an answer.
> Many thanks!
> Louise
> < lvoynaud at istar.ca >

Hello Louis,
The mouth parts on Neuroptera's head are in front of the head (prognata).


Sandra Luna (From Colombia)

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