Grilled Bugs

Dr. James Adams jadams at
Thu May 7 08:47:05 EDT 1998

Mark Walker wrote:

> During really active months, I would actually inspect other people's
> vehicles.  The A&W Root Beer stands were always good for this.  Sometimes,
> when too embarrassed to fuss with someone else's grill, I would find myself
> ruining a perfectly good Mama Burger (these were just right for a youngster
> of my stature), overwhelmed by nervous anxiety, that big fat swallowtail
> pinned underneath the guy from Oklahoma's front bumper.

Ah, I remember those times, too, Mark.  Rest areas were always one of 
my favorites places to stop on trips when I was young.  With all 
those vehicles coming through from all parts of the country, there 
was always the possibility of finding something really unusual on the 
ground.  I remember more than once asking someone if I could pull 
something off of their grill.  I still make frequent stops at rest 
areas along interstates, now mostly to check the lights which 
frequently have moths at them.  This is true even in the middle 
of the afternoon, as long as the lit wall is in the shade.  Texas 
rest areas are particularly good, as most of them are lit inside and 
have open tops so that moths can get inside.
> As an editorial note, they just don't make radiator grills like they used
> to...  Cars are just too ergonomic, I guess.

This is so true!  There are so few bugs anymore that get hit and 
stick!  I remember one time when I was younger and our family had 
taken a trip to the NW.  We were coming east in Wyoming after 
visiting Yellowstone, and there was a large RV driving behind us from 
Alaska, with an extra screen grill on the front that was apparently 
exclusively erected for preventing bug spots on the RV itself.  I 
remember looking out the back an drooling over the leps that I could 
see on the front of the vehicle.  I even recognized a couple of the 
leps, and kept hoping that they and we would stop at the same rest 
area.  Alas, it never happened.  Ah, for the good old days and those 
big, bug catching grills!!

Nice to reminisce occasionally, isn't it?


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