Tetrad bashers wanted
J.B.Murray (John Murray)
J.B.Murray at open.ac.uk
Wed May 13 07:21:37 EDT 1998
I am trying to organise the last two years of the Millennium butterfly mapping
project in Hertfordshire, Middlesex and North London. Although coverage is 93
percent, it would be nice to cover the last 7 percent of unvisited squares this
year, and think about evening up the coverage next year.
If you would like to be allotted some blank squares to visit now and again,
please let me know ASAP. London has the poorest coverage, so if you live in
London, or know of someone else there who might be interested in noting
butterflies seen in gardens etc., I'd be particularly pleased to hear from you.
John Murray,
"Field End", Email: j.b.murray at open.ac.uk
Marshalls Heath,
Wheathampstead, Home 'phone: 01582 833544
Herts. AL4 8HS Work 'phone: 01908 652118
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