GENE moore
GGMoore at webtv.net
Fri May 15 19:24:58 EDT 1998
i am a 75+ senor citizen who spends 4 hrs. + a day looking at butterfly
pictures a lot of pople think i am senile but my enjoyment makes up for
that . i cant get over the variety of colors and paterns of them .i have
been doing this for some time and am looking for more all the time so
would appreciate any input . i am more interested in the comon names and
was curious about differant contrys and would like their thoughts about
this. i have email from the U.K..S.A.,N.Z. etc. and would very much
enjoy any other counrys .i have a map and would like to very much try
to mark off as many countrys as possible.i would l to thank you for
listening GENE THE
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