VERY Early immigrants in the Mid West
Eric or Pat Metzler
spruance at
Thu May 21 16:59:12 EDT 1998
John Peacock just reported two P. sennae at his home in Marion Co., Ohio
-- central part of the state. Should be interesting.
Shueyi wrote:
> Leppers,
> I was just out yesterday in NW Indiana (Upper Midwest of the US) looking for
> elfins and early spring skippers.
> I found some of my target species - dusted skippers (Atrytonopsis hiana) and
> cobweb skipper (Hesperia metea), suggesting that the local fauna is in the mid
> to late spring phenology. But what amazed me was the presence of three
> species of deep south immigrants, cloudless sulphur (Phoebis sennae), little
> sulphur (Eurema lisa ) and monarch (Danaus plexippus). All three of these
> species show up in the sand savannas 40 miles south of Chicago every year, but
> the Sulphurs in particular usually make their first appearance in late
> July/early August.
> My guess is that this should be an amazing year for southern strays in
> northern climates, and that people looking for new state and provincial
> records should have tremendous success this year.
> John Shuey
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