Biology of Butterflies Congress
Onildo João Marini-Filho
marinif at
Fri May 29 12:36:26 EDT 1998
Regarding my own request about butterflies congresses, I would like to
remind that the last thorough compilation of studies on the biology of
butterflies was a result of the Symposium held 17 years ago! (Royal
Entomological Society of London, Sept. 1981). I think it's about time for
us to have a new sinthesis about the butterfly research carried out during
the 80's and 90's...
Is there any candidate to sponsor the next symposium?
Onildo J. Marini-Filho
Lab. Comportamento de Insetos
Departamento de Biologia Geral/ICB
UFMG, Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
Tel.: ++55 31 499 2579
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