Expertise needed

WILLIAM OEHLKE - 420 oehlkew at
Sat May 30 10:09:33 EDT 1998

I have a section on my website devoted primarily to QUESTIONS of a 
technical nature.  When people ask me about things where I have 
little knowledge, I post the question on my website.  Many of you 
Leps-lers ahve extensive backgrounds and a great deal of expertise.  
I would appreciate any help you could extend to the questionners 
under the QUESTIONS sectionon my website.
Please visit
Suggestions for improving the site would also be appreciated.  If you 
have any images that I could use, I would also appreciate 
receiving them.   Ia m also interested in starting a monthly feature 
regarding rearing of satrurniidae not indigenous to North America.
If you would like to electronically submit any  rearing articles 
(subject to editing), I will post the features once a month withfull 
credit to the author.  Thanks for your time and consideration.
Bill Oehlke
Box 476
Montague,P.E.I., Canada, C0A 1R0
Phone: 902-838-3455 H; 902-838-0860 W
Fax: 902-838-0866
email:  oehlkew at

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