Gordon Ramel bug.man at bbsrc.ac.uk
Sun May 31 08:29:58 EDT 1998

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Received: by X.400 UK.AC. .GB; Thu May 28 01:04:45 1998
To: bugnet at ero.ent.iastate.edu
Subject: Moths GEHP
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From: Kittybee98 at aol.com
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This message is from Carol <Kittybee98 at aol.com>, a Naturalist, housewife from New Jersey.

I have searched your pages and did not find this particular moth that is out my back door.  It is about an inch long, has a yellow fuzzy body, with yellow wings with purple spots on the outer wings, it also has purple fuzzy legs. Please, if you can, tell me the name of this beautiful moth.  I have never seen anything like it.

Thank you for your time.

NOTE: This message was sent using a WWW form. Replies should be sent to the following email address which was typed manually, and may  be incorrect: <Kittybee98 at aol.com>.

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