Undet. Papilionid from Rio Grande Valley, TX
jadams at Carpet.dalton.peachnet.edu
Mon Nov 2 19:40:02 EST 1998
Dear Listers,
I must admit that I find myself in agreement (on most
philosophical matters) much more frequently with Anne Kilmer than
Mark Walker, and yet I must agree in this case with Mark. (Sorry,
Anne, I hope I haven't destroyed your image of me!) Rarity is
certainly relative, and has a lot more to do with habitat destruction
than collecting. PLEASE!! Don't take this as an invitation to start
that old collecting vs. not debate. I just don't think it's
*criminal* to take a specimen, especially one like this that's a
stray and undoubtedly outlived it's reproductive potential. I think
Mike mentioned that it was a roadkill anyway. I find it admirable
that someone would actually pick up a specimen like this and bring it
to the attention of someone who can find out appropriate information
about it. I'll stop wasting people's money with my drivel . . .
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