Creation of newsgroup uk.rec.lepidoptera
Richard Herring
rnh at
Tue Nov 24 11:15:04 EST 1998
In article <365ccec6.21896303 at wingate>, Chris Raper (triocomp at wrote:
> On 24 Nov 1998 13:34:06 GMT, rnh at (Richard Herring)
> wrote:
> >In article <365b824a.2313872 at wingate>, Chris Raper (triocomp at wrote:
> >
> >> I suggest that if the proposer does not want to see non-uk postings
> >> they should continue using the current sci group but use the kill
> >> options in their reader more creatively.
> >
> >I fear that isn't a practical proposition.
> >There's nothing in *this* post, for example (except the crosspost to unnc)
> >that would tell you whether or not it has any UK relevance.
> True. But if you were totally UK-centric and didn't want any posts
> from the US, considering the low volume of posts to the group anyway
> it wouldn't take long to build up a list of kill-filters that would
> ignore all threads with known US contributors.
Up to a point. It's easy to automate killing of all postings from
known US posters, much less easy to kill all *threads* containing their
posts. Not all Message-IDs contain enough information to identify the
> Personally, I can't see the point in the uk group.
> - It is going to be very poorly used - s.b.e.l is already pretty quiet
Maybe so.
There may be potential uk. users who don't use the international group.
There may not. A vote will soon demonstrate how much real support it has.
> - It will cause a large number of cross-posts - due to the crossover
> of interests with s.b.e.l
I'm not convinced. Is this actually a demonstrable problem in any
comparable uk.* group with a worldwide equivalent?
> - It won't be carried on a list-server - so anyone in an organisation
> that doesn't allow Usenet won't get it.
That's true of the overwhelming majority of newsgroups. It's no
argument for not creating this one.
> - With it's uk prefix it might illiminate contributions from UK
> residents abroad or European contributors who might have relevant
> observations to make.
It shouldn't. The general intent of the uk.* hierarchy is discussion of
matters with a UK relevance, wherever the posters are geographically.
> Personally, I would love to see loads of active UK lep enthusiasts out
> there posting observations and UK related info - but, until I am
> convinced that there are enough to warrant a seperate group (like
> uk.rec.birdwatching) I will oppose the creation of the new group.
Personally I have no axe to grind: I shall not be voting either way.
I'm just pointing out a few relevant (or otherwise) facts.
Richard Herring | <richard.herring at>
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