Creation of newsgroup uk.rec.lepidoptera
Nigel Venters
venters at
Tue Nov 24 13:19:14 EST 1998
It's a funny old world really, plenty of people prepared to pontificate on
what others should do or what they should and shouldn't see. Create a new
group by all means, subscibe or don't subscribe. (I believe it's called
choice) Subscribe to both if you want to. Give it a go and if it's no good
then no-one will read it anyway.
Nigel Venters
DP HOWSON <D.P.Howson at BRADFORD.AC.UK> wrote in article
<Pine.GSO.3.96.981124153416.3555B-100000 at>...
> I am in favour, although would prefer a European newsgroup.I should still
> want to be part of leps line though.
> If the UK newsgroup fails or is still-born, so be it.I don't see that its
> mere presence can be damaging.
> Dave
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