Puerto Vallarta Trip Report
Wanda Dameron
be496 at lafn.org
Mon Nov 30 15:41:04 EST 1998
For submission to LANABA Newsletter, LEPS-L, NABA and Friends......
(If publ., feel free to edit)
A program of reports and pictures is scheduled for the February 17,
LANABA Meeting. Complete listing of common & scientific names follow
the report + other travel, BF info.
LANABAs 2nd Annual Puerto Vallarta Trip (Unofficial)
Ten enthusiastic butterfliers from southern California had a unique
Thanksgiving Weekend at the La Jolla de Mismaloya, on Banderas Bay,
Jalisco, Mexico. This lovely resort backs up to a natural habitat area
with large quantities of numerous butterfly species. We chalked up a
list of 140 identifiable butterflies in 3 1/2 days. Hopefully pictures
taken by 3 dedicated participants will allow our gracious advisor and
expert Andy Warren to identify others, though many skippers just got
away or were very difficult to identify for lack of good pictures.
The trip was again a marked success with Wanda Dameron setting up the
trip and her indespensible homemade guidebook, plus Fred Heaths natural
teaching abilities as informal leader. We were able to butterfly very
full days with no rain though humidity and temperatures were higher this
year, perhaps as there a bit sooner after the wet season.
Some of the highlights included the Montezuma, Photinus & Erithalion
Cattlehearts, Pink-spotted Swallowtail, Amphiona & Viardi Mimic-Whites,
Fabulous, Ellops, Tropical and Demophoon Leafwings, Grey Cracker,
Inviras Owl-Butterfly, Uncinata Satyr, Mexican Bluewing, Postverta
Greenwing, Zone Metalmark, Dysons Silver-spotted Palm-Skipper, Ruddy &
Many-banded Daggerwings, Cortes & Neaerea Banners plus 9 species of
Longtails and the ever present Banded Peacocks.
Other favorites were Red-bordered & Cephise Pixe, Crimson-patched
Longwing, Mad, Yellow-tipped and Two-barred Flashers. We always had to
marvel at the beautiful slow floating White Morpho and take another look
at Glorious and Hippodrome Patches, Malachite and Orange-tipped
Peacocks. A couple of people were lucky enough to see a Morgans
Clearwing. Along with a few hairstreaks and blues, the wide variety of
sulfurs, brushfoots and skippers, several iguanas, other lizards, wild
colored dragonflies, around 50 species birds including the Magnificent
Frigatebird, Russet-crowned Motmot, Orange-fronted Parakeets, San Blas
Jay and Stripe-headed Sparrow, it was an experience to be treasured!
you wish to be a member of LANABA, send $5 for our bi-monthly newsletter
along with your name, address, phone and email to Unit Leader & Editor
Margaret Huffman 16856 Edgar St., Pacific Palisades 90272.
If youd like a copy of Andy Warrens Mismaloya List along with common
names and picture references used in the homemade guide send $2 and
legal size SASE to Flutterby Press, 23424 Jonathan St. Los Angeles,
Calif. 91304.
Borrow my homemade guidebooks with a hefty deposit and a donation to our
butterfly conservation project fund. Our board of directors will be
considering this possibility at a meeting after the first of the year.
These books have pictures cut from a wide variety of books so variable
consistency of size, color, etc., but CONSIDERABLY BETTER THAN carrying
& searching through numerous books some of which are coffee-table
sized! They are put together with the beginning butterflier in mind
(me) grouped by look-alikes within families, have common & scientific
names and more about habitat, flight period etc. Unfortunately not much
extra info available on Mexican species. Books for: Mismaloya--92%
complete, No. Calif., So. Calif., Washington, Colorado, Rocky Mt.
National Park, So. Texas incl.vagrants, combined SE Ariz.-Sonora,
Mexican state of Vera Cruz 800 of 1100 species --hairstreaks & skippers
account for most of missing species). Contact Wanda @ 818-340-0365 or
be496 at lafn.org
My book Searching for BF in So. Cal, BF Lists, other BF info: get on
mailing list or contact Wanda @ Flutterby Press, 23424 Jonathan St., Los
Angeles, Ca. 91304, phone or email.
Info gladly shared if you or your butterfly group are thinking of
traveling to Mismaloya. Contact Wanda @ 818-340-0365
Not interested in attending LANABA trips but would like to keep apprized
what So. Ca. chapters are doing see our newsletter under our chapter
listing on http://www.naba.org
Butterfly list for period 26 thru 29 November 1998.
* = those seen only in area above village beyond Chicos Paradise
** = new to Mismaloya Area List, had been seen in general region
N: = NABA name; species split on Mexican lists
Cattlehearts Erithalion Parides erithalion trichopus**
Montezuma Parides montezuma
Photinus Parides photinus
Swallowtails Giant Papilio cresphontes
Pink-spotted P. pharnaces
Thoas P. thoas
Polydamas P. polydamas
Torquatus Troilides torquatus mazai
Whites Florida Appias drusilla
Giant Ganyra josephina
Great Southern Ascia monuste
Mimic-Whites Amphiona Dismorphia amphiona lupita
Viardi Pieriballia viardi laogore
Sulfurs Cloudless Phoebis sennae
Dainty Nathalis iole **
Isanda Melete lycimnia isandra
Large Orange Phoebis agarithe
Orange-barred Phoebis philea
Statira Phoebis statira
Trite P. trite
Orange Colias eurytheme **
Angled-sulfurs White Anteos clorinde
Yellow A. maerula
Dogface Southern Colias cesonia
Orange Tailed Eurema proterpia
Yellows Barred Eurema daira
Boisduvals E. boisduvalianum
Dina E. dina
Little E. lisa
Mexican E. mexicana
Mimosa E. nise
Greenstreaks Destractus Cyanophrys destractus
Tropical C. herodotus
Scrub-hairstreak Istapa/N:Mallow Strymon istapa
Yojoa S.yojoa
Hairstreak Damo Pseudolycaena damo
Blues Cassius Leptotes cassius
Ceraunus Hemiargus ceraunus
Eastern Tailed Everes comyntas
Marine Leptotes marina **
Metalmarks Falcate Emesis tenedia
Fatal Calephelis nemesis **
Fulman C. fulmen
Montezuma C. montezuma
Perditalus N:Rounded C. perditalis
Virgils Theope virgilius
Zone Baeotis zona simbla *
Walkers or Hypoglauca? Apodemia walkeri ?**
Pixies Cephise Melanis cephise
Red-bordered Melanis pixe
Banners Cortes Catonephele cortesi
Neaerea Pyrrhogyra neaerea hypsenor
Red Rim Biblis hyperia aganisa
Beauty Dirce Colobura dirce
Bluewing Mexican Myscelia ethusa
Checkerspot Theona Thessalia theona
Clearwing Morgans Greta morgane
Cracker Gray Hamadryas februa ferentina
Crescent Tulcis (N:Cuban) Anthanassa tulcis
Daggerwing Many-banded Marpesia chiron
Ruddy Marpesia petreus
Emperor Dusky Asterocampa idyja argua
Silver Doxocopa laure acca
Fritillary Gulf Agraulis vanillae incarnarta
Mexican Euptoieta hegesia
Greenwing Postverta Dynamine postverta
Leafwings Demophoon Archaeprepona demophoon mexicana
Ellops Zaretes ellops
Fabulous Consul fabius
Tropical Anaea aidea
Longwings Crimson Patched Heliconius erato punctata
Julia Dryas julia
Zebra H. charitonius
Juno Silverspot Dione juno huascuma
Milkweed BF Monarch Danaus plexippus
Soldier D. eresimus montezuma
Queen ` D. gilippus strigosus
Tiger Mimic-Queen Lycorea halia atergatis
Morpho White Morpho polyphemus
Owl-BF Inviras Opsiphanes invirae fabricii
Patches Elf Microtia elva
Glorius Chlosyne gloriosa
Hippodrome C. hippodrome
Gray-based Castilia griseobasalis
Peacocks Banded Anartia amathea colima
White A. jatrophe
Malachite Siproeta stelenes biplagiata
Orange-tipped Siproeta epaphus
Tropical Buckeye Junonia genoveva nigrosuffusa
Common Buckeye J. coenia **
Satyrs Hermes Hermeuptychia hermes
Uncinata Taygetis uncinata
? Similis ?
Sisters Band-celled Adelpha fessonia
Celerio A. celerio
Iphiclus A. iphiclus massilides
Phylaca A. phylaca
Spot-celled A. basilioides
Snout Mexican Libytheana carinenta mexicana
PYRGINAE -- Spreadwing Skippers
Banded-Skipper Neis Autochton neis
Checkered-Sk. Tropical Pyrgus oileus
Common Pyrgus communis **
Cloudywing Coyote Achalarus toxeus
Duskywing Invisus /N:False Gesta infisus
Flashers Mad Astraptes alector hopfferi
Two-barred A. fulgerator
Yellow-tipped A. anaphus
Longtails Brown Urbanus procne
Dorantes U. dorantes
Eight-spotted Polythrix octomaculata
Long-tailed Skipper U. Proteus
Mexican Polythrix asine
Mottled Typhedanus undulatus
Plain U. simplicius
Teleus U. Teleus
White-striped Chioides catillus albofasciatus
Powdered-Skipper, Texas Systasea pulverulenta
Scallopwing Tierra Staphylus tierra
Sicklewing Busirus Achlyodes busirus heros
Silverdrop Windi Epargyreus windi
Skippers Calathana Ocyba calathana calanus
Menippus Mylon menippus
Mimosa Cogia calchas
Nearchus Antigonus nearchus
Paris Narcosius parisi helen
Potrillo Cabares potrillo
Purplish-black Nisoniades rubescens
Sickle-winged Eantis tamenund
Ruptifasciatus Timochares ruptifasciatus
White-patched Chiomara georgina
White-Skip. Alana Heliopetes alana *
Turks Cap H. macaira *
HESPERIINAE---Grass Skippers
Skipper Clouded Lerema accius
Eufala Lerodea eufala *
Fantastic Vettius fantasos
Fiery Hylephila phyleus
Purple-washed Panoquina leucas N: sylvicola leucas
Violet-banded Nyctelius nyctelius
Violet patched Monca tyrtaeus/N:M. telata tyrtaeus
Palm-Skipper Dysons Silver-spotted Aides dysoni
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