Information about LEPS-L/SBEL

Lawrence F. Gall lawrence.gall at
Thu Oct 1 13:07:27 EDT 1998

This information will be emailed on a monthly basis to the list:

********************** ABOUT THE LEPS-L LIST *************************
The Lepidoptera Listserver, or LEPS-L, is a general purpose electronic
forum for those with an interest in butterflies and moths.  Detailed
information can be found on the LEPS-L home page, at:
There is a computer gateway that connects LEPS-L to the Usenet
Newsgroup called (SBEL), and this means
that submissions sent to the former cross-post to the latter, and vice
versa.  You need only partake of one or the other forum to get all
LEPS-L was started in November 1994, and is presently supported via
Listproc on a Unix computer located at Yale University, New Haven,
Connecticut.  LEPS-L is the successor to leps at, which was
phased out in December 1994.  SBEL was launched in November 1994, and
LEPS-L and SBEL were conected by the gateway into a unified forum in
January 1995, to allow subscribers latitude in how they receive posts.
The email traffic to LEPS-L/SBEL is archived in several places,
including at and, and
is also available as .zip files via the LEPS-L home page.
The volume of messages on LEPS-L/SBEL varies, but generally runs
between 5-25 per day.  The Online Lepidopterists' Who's Who (OLWW),
formerly a LEPS-L archive file, has followed its maintainer, Phil
Schappert, to Texas at
********************** COMMON LEPS-L QUESTIONS ***********************
To post messages to LEPS-L:
Compose email addressed to LEPS-L at LISTS.YALE.EDU and put what you want
to say to the group in the text of your email.  Please include a
several word synopsis of what your email is about in the Subject line.
Managing your LEPS-L subscription:
All email for managing LEPS-L subscriptions should be addressed to
LISTPROC at LISTS.YALE.EDU (not to the posting address).  Some of the
most commonly desired actions are as follows:
Your desire:                       Text of email should be:
signup to the list                 SUBSCRIBE LEPS-L yourname
signoff from the list              UNSUBSCRIBE LEPS-L
short info about the list          REV LEPS-L SHORT
full info, including subscribers   REV LEPS-L
review your subscription settings  SET LEPS-L
stop receipt of mail temporarily   SET LEPS-L MAIL POSTPONE
resume mail delivery again         SET LEPS-L MAIL
get mail as a daily digest         SET LEPS-L MAIL DIGEST
************* COMMERCIAL TRANSACTIONS ON LEPS-L/SBEL *****************
Please note that the charter of SBEL (available online via the LEPS-L
home page) disallows postings that deal with commercial transactions
in Lepidoptera.  Technically, LEPS-L does not carry this restriction.
However, because LEPS-L and SBEL are connected by a gateway, and
because of SBEL's charter, contributors to LEPS-L/SBEL are asked to
please refrain from posting overtly commercial messages that otherwise
do not contribute to broader discussions about Lepidoptera.
Since LEPS-L/SBEL is one of the largest and most widely known
electronic forums for Lepidoptera discussions, it is inevitable that
occasional overtly commercial postings will occur, and so subscribers
to LEPS-L/SBEL should exercise restrained, sound judgment in such
instances.  The list leps-livestock-list at is a forum
specifically welcoming commercial trade notices, and can be joined by
sending a subscribe request to majordomo at
Questions and/or comments about LEPS-L may be addressed to the LEPS-L
listowner, Larry Gall, at lawrence.gall at

: Lawrence F. Gall                   e-mail: lawrence.gall at  :
: Computer Systems Office             voice: 1-203-432-9892          :
: Peabody Museum of Natural History     FAX: 1-203-432-9816          :
: P.O. Box 208118, Yale University   :
: New Haven, CT 06520-8118 USA                                       :

More information about the Leps-l mailing list