Population crash of N.antiopa in DK

Mark Walker MWalker at gensym.com
Fri Oct 2 10:44:00 EDT 1998

Morten Hansen wrote:

> The sad news is that the Camberwell Beauty, which has been common and
> widely distributed in Denmark since the invasion in 1995, has experienced
> a total population crash. In spring, this beautiful species was observed
> in many places in E Jutland, but after this cold summer NO ANTIOPA'S HAVE
> BEEN OBSERVED AT ALL. Now, we can only hope for a new invasion from the
> south-east in late July 1999....
	Isn't it possible that they are skipping the 2nd brood and will wait
until spring?  This species seems to handle the cold pretty well here in the
U.S., overwintering at times in the adult stage I believe.  After the
invasion of 1995, was N. antiopa resident in Denmark, or just an annual

	Mark Walker.

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