Common Names please?

Pierre A Plauzoles ae779 at
Mon Oct 5 03:43:14 EDT 1998

In a previous article, fnkwp at (Kenelm Philip) says:

>> Could folks please please use common names just a little bit?
>Having recently made a post using scientific names only, here's the list
>for people in the US:
>_Clossiana titania_ (Titania fritillary)*
>_Polygonia faunus_ (Green Comma)
>_Nymphalis antiopa_ (Mourning Cloak)
>* Some Canadian taxonomists lump _C. titania_ with _C. chariclea_ (Arctic
>Fritillary), just to make things more interesting. I find this difficult
>to accept, since the two taxa fly together in Interior Alaska in taiga
>habitat, _titania_ every summer, and _chariclea_ in odd-numbered summers.
>	Note that I made that posting in response to reports from the UK
>and Denmark about low numbers of _N. antiopa_ this fall, so I _had_ to
>use scientific names. The U.S. common names convey little or no information
>in Europe. (Nor can we expect Europeans to add U.S. common names to their

Indeed.  When are the scientific names going to become something people 
can think of as valuable enough that they learn how to use them?

Pierre Plauzoles   ae779 at
Canoga Park, California

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