Liz Day
lday at
Fri Oct 9 23:41:59 EDT 1998
> > Failing that, see if your local nursery can arrange a shipment for you
> > from a Florida nursery ... Cassia bicapsularis should be easy to find,
Anne, what is Cassia USED for? Is it an ornamental? The C. I'm familiar
with is a prairie plant in the Midwest, yellow flowers, looks like vetch,
no human interest I'm aware of other than as a prairie flower. I mean
nobody grows it or anything. And the 4 species of Cassia listed in my
wildflower guide, none of them are bicapsularis. What is this plant?
It's not the same as the "sensitive plant" we all had to look at in
biology - that was a mimosa... or was it?
Liz Day
Indianapolis, Indiana, central USA - 40 N latitude, zone 5b.
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