airtight storage how?

Eric or Pat Metzler spruance at
Tue Oct 13 12:03:26 EDT 1998

Mark Walker wrote:
> Really?  I just transferred over from napthalene crystals to the No-Pest
> strips about 6 months ago.  The only green Leps I have in my collection are
> species of Callophrys and Mitoura (specimens of each mounted upside down).
> I assume you are including these in your green category.  How long before
> the color fading would occur?  I plan on replacing the strips twice a year.
> I'd sure hate to ruin my greenies.


Don't know the exact answer to your question, but when I tried using the
vapona stuff to get away from naphthalene, some of the green specimens
were in the corner unit tray near the vapona.  They lost the green color
within a couple of months - very noticeable!  Since then I've also heard
that the vapona stuff leaves what is described as "a greasy film" on the
glass, from the inside, that must be cleaned regularly. 

> I like your approach to eliminating fumigants altogether in your _sealed_
> drawers.  I use expensive, air-tight drawers, too, but I haven't been able
> to control myself from re-opening them regularly.

Yeah, this is tough, but I can usually see all I want through the glass
on top, and rarely have to open a drawer to examine the bug up close. 
When I open the cabinets to remove a drawer, I do it as quickly as
possible, and I never leave a cabinet drawer open.  Can't say I'll never
have a pest -- for me it's a matter of priorities.

Good luck,


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