Antennae vs. antennas

Hank Brodkin hankb at
Sun Oct 18 16:50:06 EDT 1998

Kenelm Philip wrote:

(portion deleted)

>         When I look at the non-scientific things that people get deeply
> interested in, I see something different. I see that people are willing,
> indeed eager, to learn as many abstruse things about their interests as
> they can. Listen to people disgorging baseball statistics, or arcane
> data about cars. I am not sure that 'dumbing down' a subject is the best
> way to increase interest. I think Glassberg is going at it backwards, so
> to speak. People who are seriously interested in a subject will not cavil
> at picking up its voabulary--all we need do is make that information
> easily accessible.
As a member of NABA, almost from the begining, I must say that I can not
agree with you more.

		Hank Brodkin
	Carr Canyon, Cochise County, AZ
		31.45N, 110.27W
	Send Mailto:hankb at

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