Antennae vs. antennas

Phil Schappert philjs at
Tue Oct 20 10:35:11 EDT 1998

On 18 Oct 1998 13:40:12 -0700, fnkwp at (Kenelm Philip)
>	With exquisite timing, Jeffrey Glassberg (head of NABA) has just
>produced an editorial in the fall '98 issue of 'American Butterflies'
>entitled 'To Communicate or To Intimidate: That is the Question'. He
>suggests that the Latin-derived terminology of entomology exists, in
>part, to "set up entry barriers to outsiders."

Ken, et al.

I, too, found this editorial to be "objectionable" (for lack of a
better word) and agree whole-heartedly with your assessment. I wrote a
response, "To Communicate or To Intimidate: Is this a Question?", in
my editorial column of the News of the Lepidopterists' Society. For
those non-members reading this (why are you still a non-member?) I'll
put a copy of it up on the NEWS website, look under contents of Vol.
40(4), at


Dr. Phil Schappert
Zoology, University of Texas
Austin, TX 78712-1064
Office: 512-471-8240; Fax: 512-471-9651
Stengl - Lost Pines Biological Station: 512-237-3864
mailto:philjs at

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