For those interested in the BENHS

Pauline Young pyo at
Sun Oct 25 06:33:29 EST 1998


Having lurked in this group for over a year, I have recognised posts
from some familiar names of members of the British Entomological and
Natural History Society. As there maybe others "lurking", I hope I don't
offend the rest of you by posting this message. You may be interested in
any case :-)

For the last two years, the BENHS has had a small web site on trial. As
we had over 1600 visits to this site, the Council has agreed to the
Society having its own domain. It is available now, ready for its
official launch at the Society's Annual Exhibition.

It is still a simple site relying on links to other sites to provide
colourful illustrations. I hope that now it has a permanent home we can
include more information on all areas to interest members in the future.

The new URL is:

Thank you.

Pauline Young

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