Forgotten pheromones
Pierre Zagatti
zagatti at
Mon Oct 26 11:41:15 EST 1998
MKJ wrote:
> As we all know, some lep spieces use pheromones to get partners.
> Some spieces are almost impossible to catch with out a pheromone trap.
> My question is, can I buy pheromones. Is here any producers or synthetic
> available. The pheromones are as I know nontoxic etc. So there cant be that
> of limitations to buy them. Is here any specialist or people who knows
> about biochemistry? Please give me some advice.
> Matti
> Ps: I have tease some chemistry people with my questions, but they have
> lift their hands up in this case.
> Matti :)
> This message came from Europe
For professional use, there are tens of companies selling pheromones,
as dispensers ready to use or as non-formulated chemicals.
Generally, they don't sell small quantities for personal use. Have a
at your local gardening store to find some traps and dispensers for
gardening use. These lures may concern 5 or 6 species like codling moth
or oriental fruit moth, but you will not find lures to attract
The 'pherolist' gives a complete list of described chemicals in
(this is the main site in Sweden, I guess it's the best to access from
In Europe, I have in mind 2 companies that might be able to sell to
amateurs. Ask for their catalogue:
in UK: Agrisense-BCS Ltd
Treforest Industrial Estate
Pontypridd, Mid Glamorgan CF37 5SU
Phone: +44 14 43 84 11 55
Fax: +44 14 43 84 11 52
in France: Bioprox
20, Av Ste-Lorette
BP 61
06332 GRASSE Cedex
Phone: +33 4 93 09 02 80
Fax: +33 4 93 09 01 05
Good luck,
INRA Unite de Phytopharmacie et Mediateurs Chimiques
78026 Versailles Cedex
Tel: (33) 1 30 83 31 18
e-mail zagatti at
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