P. sennae (Cloudless Sulphur) outbreak in record proportions

Robert Thorn Thorn at cc.denison.edu
Fri Sep 4 10:53:47 EDT 1998

We're envious to hear of the masses of P. sennae both east and west of
us.  As yet, only a few individuals have reached central Ohio, and I've
yet to see a one.  We have started to get an incursion of Little Sulfurs
(E. lisa), however.  I had 2 yesterday at different locations near
Newark in central Ohio, and others have been reported.  We are still
having low numbers of monarchs, and it seems bizarre to hear of the
comparative disparity in monarch and cloudless sulphur numbers in other
parts of the Midwest, especially after last year's record crop of

Rob Thorn,  thorn at denison.edu

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