P. sennae (Cloudless Sulphur) outbreak in record proportions
mundyr at aol.com
Tue Sep 8 12:28:20 EDT 1998
>Yesterday, Sept. 2, I visited Williamsburg, VA. and was amazed at the numbers
>of P. senna everywhere.
P. sennae are flying in great numbers on the Delaware shore as well. They
travel singly or in pairs, often following the same routes and giving the
appearance of a butterfly procession. It is has been an amazing spectacle
throughout the month of August.
>Adult sennae were especially attracted to a bed of giant Hibiscus (Rose
>Mallow) flowers, where they were SWARMING, preferring only the red blossoms.
I observed them nectaring on a bed of Verbena 'Homestead Purple'. They swarmed
over these flowers all day; the clear yellow of the butterflies against the
purple blossoms was a beautiful sight. Unfortunately I was not carrying a
camera either :-(
- Ed Rucker
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