Sept. 6 Maryland Cloudless Sulphurs

Rob Hilton robert at
Wed Sep 9 08:21:59 EDT 1998

Hi again, 

a friend of mine visited Point Lookout State Park, St. Mary's County,
Maryland (where the Potomac River flows in to Chesapeake Bay) on Sunday,
Sept. 6, the day after I had seen the huge numbers of Cloudless Sulphurs
(Phoebis sennae).  He didn't keep count, but he said that there were a lot
of Cloudless Sulphurs, though numbers appeared lower than the day before.
He noted his first Cloudless Sulphurs north of U. S. Route 50 in Anne
Arundel County (and presumably west of Annapolis), perhaps a 45 minute
drive north of the park.  (And the Wood Stork was still present at the park)

On the same day I was watching birds along the Potomac River near the
Capital Beltway, specifically from the mouth of Four Mile Run south to the
mouth of Hunting Creek, in the city of Alexandria.  I noted five Cloudless
Sulphurs, one heading west off of the river on to land and the other four
flying north.  


Rob Hilton
robert at
Bethesda, Md. 

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