Owl Butterfly (Caligo memnon) livestock

Barrie Harwood Barrie.Harwood at BTInternet.com
Wed Sep 9 12:47:58 EDT 1998

Available now - limited quantity of ova / larvae (as available) of Caligo
memnon - the Owl Butterfly.

The spectacular larvae of this beautiful large species feed on Banana plant
and Canna and are very easy.

I can offer limited quantities of ova (if you are quick!) or larvae at £2.50
for 12 plus 75p postage (UK) - other countries at cost (most of Europe

Barrie Harwood
White Lodge
Charlton Musgrove
Somerset. BA9 8EZ

'Phone: 01963 32674   (0044 1963 32674 from outside UK)

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