Large, Soft bodied insect? GEHP

Gordon Ramel at
Fri Sep 11 06:14:48 EDT 1998

This message is from M. Courteau <courtX6 at>, a amateur
naturalist from Wisconsin, USA.

I pride myself on, at least being able to classify an insect accurately
enough to go to one of my "bug" books and narrow the choices.  This little
lady has me stumped!  She's about 3/4" inch long, fat, soft, hairy/furry
white/grey body.  No wings, a thorax that is humped, but sort of melts into
her abdomen.  Her head is very small and she has teeny, pin-point black
shiny eyes.  No noticable antennae.  Her six legs remind me of a
bee...they, too are hairy.  I couldn't tell about her mouth.

She's in our outhouse, wedged into a corner, so a better ID was impossible.
 She's weaving an oblong net to hold her eggs, which look like little beads
of styrofoam.  The transparent egg-case is about 2" X 1" and holds about
100 eggs which are about 1/16th of an inch.  She's very unflappable...I
wasn't  even sure she was alive until I poked her...Her body yeilded, and
she waved a leg, but remained undeterred.

She looks larval, but she's laying eggs.  Can someone help me identify this

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