Phoebis sennae inland in New Jersey

Michael Gochfeld gochfeld at
Sun Sep 13 13:26:21 EDT 1998

I just returned to New Jersey from Africa on Sept 10th.  I was amazed at all of the 
postings on the migration of Cloudless Sulfurs, which are often a fairly common 
species on the Jersey coast, but are much less frequent even 20 km inland.  It was 
gratifying to count 5 in an hour at our home, compared to only one sighting in the 
preceeding 11 years.  But I would then have expected to see others as I was driving 
around the community, to work, etc, but didn't.  So it looks like this is not a 
uniform frontal movement.   I had expected them to be moving in one direction.  Two 
were moving west, two south and one southeast. 
Name: Michael Gochfeld
E-mail: Michael Gochfeld <gochfeld at>
UMDNJ/RWJMS and EOHSI, Piscataway, NJ
Date: 09/13/98
Time: 12:26:22

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