Buying Livestock

DR. JAMES ADAMS jadams at
Mon Sep 14 19:52:42 EDT 1998

Dear listers/Graham,

        I personally am bothered by the advertising of 
lepidopterological material for sale, and delete any such messages 
with some vehemence, but would not suggest that I have any right to 
prevent others from posting such messages. 

     As for Graham's questions:

> (a) Have a "no kill" policy.

Nope.  No such policy.

> (b) Kill specimens for a "collection" (hunting instinct)

Yep, though I'm not sure what "hunting instinct" has to do with it.  
I have always made it very clear to anyone who is interested that my 
collection is an open one, where people who are interested can come 
and study, compare their own specimens to mine, etc.  I have even 
done some *limited* identification, but only after request.  Granted, 
for people who want to use my collection, they'll have to come visit 
me, but, hey, what can I say.  I suppose from the above that my 
collection, at least to a point, fits under (c) below.

> (c) Kill / Breed for scientific study


> (d) Breed for conservation purposes

Not frequently, but yep.

> (e) Breed for commercial gain


> --
> Keep Music & Leps live
> Graham Dixon

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