Selling leps

DR. JAMES ADAMS jadams at
Tue Sep 15 15:42:01 EDT 1998

Dear listers and Mark J.,

I wasn't going to contribute any more to this thread but . . .

Mark wrote:
> . . . And if i have no place to buy them
> how can i study them?

There are a number of people out there in the world who will be
willing to *give* you a number of leps to study; certainly this is 
true of most of the one's I see advertised here.  And if you are 
interested in species from outside the country (and many from 
within), many people seem to forget that there are federal laws 
governing the transport of insects across national (and even state) 
lines.  As such, anyone in the U.S. buying anything from, say, 
Patrick Marceau in Canada, runs the risk of being arrested.  Just 
thought I'd remind whoever needs reminding.

>  I have found that the small group of people
> raising and selling stock know more about the subject
> than the so called experts.

This is probably true, since this is the speciality of many people 
who sell them.  You've got to be able to *rear* them in order to 
*provide* them.

 And If you don't vote it does
> not count so now so it is 11 to 3, so send  your votes to the list
> if you want to be heard!   

I plead with you, do not mess up my e-mail with endless public votes 
on this matter.  If you want to collect votes, do so privately.  And, 
although I said I just delete messages about livestock for sale when 
they arrive, and that I would not be presumptuous enough to say that 
someone else could not send such messages, if I have to vote I would 
say "no."


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