Notes from the LEPS-L listowner

Roger C. KENDRICK kendrick at
Fri Sep 18 07:55:23 EDT 1998

Thanks, Lawrence, for clarifying the situation for LEPS-L and SBEL and
providing an update on the LEPS-L homepage.

I should make a short apology to Semjase; apparently he does not receive all
the messages posted via LEPS-L (including some of his own!), which accounted
for his comment regarding the lack of input from myself. I have forwarded
directly my messages already, so please don't inundate him with e-mails!

I like to bring this whole subject to a close. Thanks to all the contributors
for providing pertinent observations and personal opinions on their preferences
of the material posted to this newsgroup (and for not letting the matter get
overly stressed).

In summing the week's posts, it would seem that there is roughly an even split
(not including undecided, non-preferential or unstated posters) between the for
and against commercial livestock postings. It would appear virtually nobody
objects to exchanges being requested. The need to maintain the link between the
two groups was confirmed by Robert Cunningham's post:-

> > Most scientists have access to newsgroup (i.e. news:xxxxx) boards
> > (please correct me if this assumption is wrong).    [RCK]
> This is wrong. I think you will find that even today most scientists,
> like most people, do NOT have access to newsgroups (even the
> internet). For those that do have access to the internet, email
> (mailing lists) are the most likely and efficient options.
The modifications to the LEPS-L / SBEL made by Lawrence should be welcomed and
ought to clarify the situation regarding commercial postings. Also noted are
the other options available to those wishing to advertise livestock (see
previous messages by Michael Gochfeld and Rick Mikula (butrfly at

Back to the field observations everyone!!



Lawrence F. Gall wrote:

> Members of LEPS-L and the SBEL newsgroup,
> As the nominal listowner of LEPS-L, I tend to stay in the background
> in this diverse and interesting electronic forum, and post to the list
> only when there seems to be something of broad administrative import
> e.g., broken server computers and gateways, and the like.  I've been
> listening carefully to the recent thread about the pertinence on
> LEPS-L & SBEL of commercial advertising in Lepidoptera.  The thread
> seems at least partly to have run its course, and has offered a number
> of wide ranging and well articulated opinions and suggestions.
> I've made modifications to both the .info and .welcome files on
> LEPS-L, so that new subscription requests and all list review requests
> now provide a longer synopsis of the list and newsgroup, including a
> caution/proviso regarding overtly commercial postings.  The web
> material at has been modified
> similarly, and I will start emailing the contents of the .info file to
> the list on a monthly basis.
> I believe these actions help clarify the shared purpose of LEPS-L &
> SBEL, and rather than sending these modified documents to the whole
> list, I encourage all subscribers with an interest to (1) read the web
> material, and/or (2) send a REV LEPS-L or REV LEPS-L SHORT to
> listproc at to retrieve a copy of the .info file.  For
> those who believe further modifications are in order, please contact
> me directly off-list/off-newsgroup.  Thanks, and happy lepping!
> ......................................................................
> : Lawrence F. Gall                   e-mail: lawrence.gall at  :
> : Computer Systems Office             voice: 1-203-432-9892          :
> : Peabody Museum of Natural History     FAX: 1-203-432-9816          :
> : P.O. Box 208118, Yale University   :
> : New Haven, CT 06520-8118 USA                                       :

Roger C. KENDRICK   B.Sc.(Hons.)
PhD student & Demonstrator, Dept of Ecology & Biodiversity
The University of Hong Kong
mailto:kendrick at   « Hong Kong Moths »   « H.K. Lepidoptera Group »
mail: Kadoorie Agricultural Research Centre
      The University of Hong Kong
      Lam Kam Road, Shek Kong,
      Yuen Long, New Territories
      Hong Kong
fax: (852) 24885285

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