Traffic in plants and plant seeds

Liz Day lday at
Sun Sep 20 05:18:32 EDT 1998

> 	The restricting of traffic in many plants is probably a good (if 
> too late) idea. 
> Likewise some tropical fish 
> farmers are producing only male fish, to prevent hobbyists from breeding 
> their own fish).  Maybe that's a good idea for horticulturists, to keep 
> exotics in check. 

Alas - the best way to do that right now would be to persuade them to dig
up and kill all the exotic pests they *already have* in their yards, like
honeysuckle.  It has (this is Asian honeysuckle the bush) taken over every
square inch of central Indiana, most wooded areas are a monoculture of
honeysuckle under the tree canopy and NOTHING under the honeysuckle except
bare dirt.   

When I went to the nature preserve to get wild cherry leaves for my
promethea larvae, nearly all the wild cherry trees were tall old ones. 
For those who don't know, this (native) tree SEEDS itself like there's no
tomorrow.  Baby cherries are normally everywhere.  Well, I could find
hardly ANY *young* cherry trees at all - they were all crowded out by the
impenetrable WALL of honeysuckle.  A plant that can outcompete cherry,
that's frightening. 

But people still have this horrible bush all over their yards.  They don't
plant it, but it comes in and they let it grow.  Maybe if more people knew
what a disaster it is, at least they'd not HARBOR it in their own yards.
But most people don't even know what kind of bushes they have, never mind
if any are pests.


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