Traffic in plants and plant seeds

Mark Walker MWalker at
Sun Sep 20 23:25:19 EDT 1998

	Anne wrote:

>  	Once Man has colonized a place, it's all over for the indigenes, and
> that goes for the bugs, the plants and the furry critters. 
	Isn't that the truth!

	Nice post.  Actually, the sacred status of the Monarch in California
is rather comical.  While living in Cambria, CA (near the Hearst Castle, and
the location of the southern-most stand of the Monterrey Pine excluding the
offshore islands), I received quite a rejection from the local transplants
when they found out that I collected butterflies (interestingly, never from
the long time residents who were more concerned with herding cattle and
controlling the invasion of people).  Of course, I had no interest in
collecting another Monarch, but was always looking for the latest
overwintering spots (the Monarch's rarely pick the same trees in that area -
and usually pick a Eucalyptus).  While overwintering, the Monarch's would
inundate the area, floating around the coastline by the thousands.
Unfortunately, the mass of tourists travelling up highway 1 would decimate
large numbers of them every year.  Similar to my experiences here in Texas,
the roadsides would be (and still are, every year) lined with orange and
black.  Whenever I would go out with my net, I would inevitably have to
explain my intentions to someone trying to make a citizen's arrest.  With so
many California endemic Lep species and sub-species on the verge of
extinction, the only butterfly most Californian's know about it is the
Monarch.  They honestly think that the butterfly is endangered.

	Oh well.  I guess concern for the Monarch is better than total
indifference.  Still, hypocrisy abounds.

	Mark Walker.  

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