Roost preference

Anne Kilmer viceroy at
Mon Sep 21 04:49:11 EDT 1998

They are certainly repellant to predators. They stink. (Pines do, too.)
Probably cover up the strong Monarch odor, as well. 
This is not meant to imply that there is any purpose ...
They may also be the only game in town ... we'll have to ask the
Californians about that.  
Starlings also like manmade nest boxes, and come eagerly to bird
feeders. Hey, they just like to be near us. Lay off the bird feeders and
you'll get a better class of bird. (Yeah, I'm a bird bigot too.) 
They're fun to watch, if you can keep from thinking about the Big
Anne Kilmer
South Florida

Michael Gochfeld wrote:
> A long time ago in Narrowmine, NSW, Australia, I made the observation
> that European Starling (an exotic) showed a strong preference for palms
> (exotics) over deciduous trees for their nightly roost.  When I lived in
> California, I checked quite a few Starling roosts, and there to they
> seemed to prefer palms (exotic palms) over other species (here in NJ we
> have no palms, and Starlings prefer buildings and bridges (also
> exotics).  I presumed that the palms offered better microclimate
> (tighter canopy) and that there was a thermoregulatory basis for the
> preference.
> Is there some reason other than 'nothing else available' that would make
> Eucalypts attractive for Monarch roosts.  Are they taller (less
> accessible), different branch structure (easier roosting), repellent of
> predators, etc???
> Mike Gochfeld

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