FWD: Extinction and education

Anne Kilmer viceroy at gate.net
Mon Sep 21 05:02:34 EDT 1998

Michael Gochfeld wrote:
> I was very interested in Mark's biblical interpretation.  I have
> relatives who adhere to the bible and deny that "dominion" means
> "stewardship".  They interpret it more as "right to exploit".
>         I've never made any semantic headway, and Webster defines
> "dominion" as "rule or power to rule or sovereignty".
> Mike Gochfeld

I figure that if He put us in charge, we're in trouble. Jesus said
something about counting the sparrows, I believe. 
Sovereignty surely involves a concern for one's subjects? 
And then there's enlightened self-interest. This works well for people
who are uncomfortable with the notion of a God, but can't help noticing
that life is more pleasant if we all get along. 
As this applies to the butterflies, they're an indicator species. Where
there are plenty of butterflies, Nature is (in theory) doing well.
Plenty of caterpillars and such for the other folks to eat. And
everything in the garden is lovely.
	If they're all one species, I suspect we lose. 
	When you give your kid a car, and say "Here, this is yours," you will
certainly get bent out of shape when it gets all dinged up due to hot
It'll all be the same after the next Ice Age, anyway. 
Anne Kilmer
South Florida

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